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Showing posts from January, 2011

My Reflections

In the third grading, I learned many things like the other grading past. This I learned how to put an images, colors, sizes, background colors in the HTML and also how to put a HTML links. All that things, I successfully to make my own web page using the things I learned in this grading. Through this success I would like to thank Ma'am Vera Cruz for teaching us all this things because of her I have an idea on how to make another web page. And through this I can also use this as a basis in my college life. I also thank my classmates who help me in making my project. Without them I won't past my project in time. So in the coming and last grading I will do my very best so that I will passed this subject and hoping that all my projects and assignments will accomplish.

New Year,New Resolution

We all know that new year resolution is commitment that an individual makes to a person`s goal, project or the reforming of a habit. A new years resolution is generally, someone sets over to accomplish in the coming year. And its the time for us to reflect our changes. Helping our mother in the household chores, lessen to buy none sense things and to become a nice daughter/son all of this, is in our resolution's list and I believe that this promises to ourselves will be done for a week or either a month because it is hard for us to change, right. But this new year I'm trying to change my bad attitudes because I don't want to become brat or what so ever " bad guy " ! And that`s very shameful to others, right. New Year inspires us to become better. So this new year, hoping that I will do what I said.